Glendale Technology High School

Educate For Life

Telephone02 4954 9166

Student Services Team

Our Student Services Team at GTHS is an extensive and professional team complete with enthusiasm and dedication. The team comprises of numerous members of staff across the school including;

·         Principal -  Anthony Angel

·         Deputy Principal (Years - 11 and 12) -  Peter Henson

·         Deputy Principal (Years - 7 and 8) -  Samantha Booth

.         Deputy Principal (Years 9 and 10) - Les Tryk

·         Deputy Principal (Inclusion) -  Francoise Dunlevie

·         Head Teacher Student Services -  Gavin Wilson

·         Head Teacher Special Education -  Jamie Wakefield

·         Head Teacher Administration –  Jade McInnes

·        Year 7 Advisor -  Claire Spain

·        Year 8 Advisor -  Jeffrey Groth

·        Year 9 Advisor -  Chloe Frizell

·        Year 10 Advisor - Brooke Robinson

·        Year 11 Advisor - Chad Mayo

·        Year 12 Advisor - Laura Neale

·         School Sports Co-ordinator – Bec Irish

·         Girls Advisor - Bec Irish

·         Learning and Support Teachers (LaST's) –

          Susan Taranawiwat, Casey Lee, Deb Smith

·         School Counsellors – Belinda Monticone, Matt Russ

·         Careers Advisor - Chloe Frizell



Our team has evaluated our whole school processes and policies. As such, we have implemented new programs, processes and policies to support students, families and staff of GTHS.

We have a number of welfare programs that are available for our Learning Support Team to utilise to support our students.

The process for student enrolment and attendance occurs through Year Advisor, Deputy and Learning Support Team consultation.

Our welfare based initiatives that are implemented across the school year include; Motivational Media, Peer Support, Rock and Water, Girls Focus Program, Boys Challenge Program, Road Whyz, RAGE, School Pride, Seasons For Growth as well as many other group and individualised welfare based programs.