Glendale Technology High School

Educate For Life

Telephone02 4954 9166

Learning Programs


The Quicksmart Literacy Program is a reading intervention program for selected Year 7 & 8 students. The program is designed to improve student's reading fluency, word recognition and comprehension skills through specific and deliberate teaching. Quicksmart sessions run 3 days per week for up to 30 weeks. Sessions are structured to include a number of short and focused activities that link strongly to Focus on Reading’s Super 6 Strategies and explicitly teach students comprehension skills they can translate back into their classes.


MutliLit began in 2016 as part of the Learning and Support program. MultiLit is a program that explicitly supports students who need assistance in reading. Students from Years 7 and 8 are identified through Learning and Support meetings and the MultiLit placement test. Students work one – on – one with a trained Learning Support Officer every week. Students work through 13 levels of the program and then continue reinforced reading for approximately 10 minutes per session for approximately 10 weeks after completing the program to ensure mastery of skills.

Minute Mastery

The school’s Minute Mastery programwas introduced in 2015 and is designed to equip the students with the skills needed to perform well in Mathematics and life in general. There is strong evidence that the program improves NAPLAN results in numeracy by year 9, well beyond the students’ expected growth.

Students currently active in the program are learning how to automatically recall single digit multiplication facts. Students on the program are usually withdrawn from class in pairs for approximately 7 minutes, up to 3 sessions per week. Starting at multiples of 2, when a student reaches 40 correct answers in a minute they progress to the next multiplication.